Horseshoe Lake Improvement Association

Mid-summer Meeting: July 13, 2013

President Steve Eichman called the meeting to order at 9:35 am. There was a small, but knowledgeable group in attendance.

Treasurer Joe Waldo was unable to attend, but provided the following account balances:
Main Checking Acct:   $ 1,471.66
Milfoil Checking Acct:   $ 368.31
Milfoil MM Accounts:   $ 18,515.60 (after paying for 2013 spraying)
Milfoil CDs:   $ 7,710.52
Total Balances: $ 28,066.09

A membership list identifying those who have paid 2013 dues was made available. To date, 82 members have paid dues.

Treasurer's report was approved.

Secretary's report was approved.

Boat Landing: Jim Perala reported that we have collected $76.55 in boat landing receipts (this includes a $2 check and a $1 gold coin). Although the money box at the landing is very secure, it can be dangerous - a hornet's nest and an invasion of ants are problems that have been encountered.

Steve Eichman had contacted the township and they have added fill and graded the parking lot at the landing. It is now in good shape. Thank You to Jack Sullivan for straightening the sign at the landing and to Jim Perala for weed whacking the tall grass around the signs, making them much more visible.

Jack Sullivan and his 'volunteer army' have been clocking volunteer hours by helping to monitor the landing. We also participated in the DNR designated "boat blitz", inspecting boats and giving out towels to boaters that comply with all clean boat regulations. Anyone able to volunteer at the landing should contact Jack or use the HLIA website for sign-up information.

The annual park clean- up had a small but efficient crew this year, along with a hard working group of high school students. Randy King provided his trailer and skid steer and the workers were able to remove many loads of leaves and brush. A motion was made, seconded and approved to give Randy King a check for $50 along with a new directory with a note that his 2013 dues are paid, as a thank you for his time and the use of his equipment.

A moment of silence was observed in memory of Rob Stoltz, who passed away last year.

Milfoil Update: Pam Nelson reported that 3.5 acres were treated on June 20. Matt Berg did a spring survey and will return to complete a fall survey. At this time, no additional large beds have been identified. Matt and his dive team will be unable to come here this year. Matt is concentrating his time and efforts on bodies of water that have greater problems than those seen on Horseshoe Lake. However, he will be available if an urgent need exists. At Matt's suggestion, SNUBA divers dove around the boat landing and identified and removed some milfoil. Diving was done prior to July 4, as clarity issues are a concern after that date.

Remember to turn in any volunteer hours to Pam. We need approximately 400 total volunteer hours to offset our need (25%) for 2013.

Steve reported that the clarity checks were done on 4 different areas of the lake. June result was clarity at 13 feet which is great. Oxygen levels were also very good.

Boat Parade: The pontoon parade was a big success, with 35+ boats participating. There were only a few 'rule breakers' involved in water fights.

Discussion continued regarding the possibility of establishing a Lake District. HLIA website has an article from a recent issue of the publication "Lake Tides" with Q & A regarding lake districts, as well as links to a plethora of information on the subject. After much discussion, a decision was made to establish a committee for 'Exploration of a Lake District'. The committee will research and present information (complete with facts and figures) to all lake property owners, to get a 'straw poll' of interest/acceptance/rejection of the idea. (There are currently 220 "lake properties" on Horseshoe Lake.) Members who volunteered to be a part of this committee are: Marie Hauser, Virginia Flo, Pam Nelson, Keith Wilson, Craig Nackerud, Steve Eichman and Mike Foster.

Fall Picnic:
Pam Nelson has agreed to be the coordinator for this year's picnic. Committee chairmen will remain the same as last year:
   - Jack Sullivan - Beverages
   - John Stary - Brats and Beans
   - Tom Klinger - Corn
   - Mindy Stoltz - Paper Products, utensils
   - Sam Lindquist - Buns and Nametags
If you are unable to help, please contact Pam so she can find someone to take your place. A request was made for additional help to 'tidy up' the area during the picnic, in addition to a clean-up crew after the meal.

Meeting was adjourned at 10:30 am.

Respectfully submitted by Jeanne Perala
(Substituting for Sam Lindquist, Secretary)

Post meeting discussion was held regarding the DNR 12 - yr fisheries plan (bag and size limits, etc) that has been in place on Horseshoe Lake. There are 2 years remaining in this plan and these limits will be reassessed and may be changed in the next 2 years.

See you at the picnic! [Link to picnic sign up form]

Respectfully submitted,
Sam Lindquist, Secretary


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