Horseshoe Lake Improvement Association

General Meeting Minutes
Spring meeting - June 23, 2007

Meeting was called to order at 9:35 a.m. by President Steve Eichman.
26 Members were in attendance-sign in sheet on file.

Craig Lorence - Treasurer's Report: Thru 6/17/07
Checking Acct. $1,285.53
Milfoil Acct. 1,643.91
Payment of $17.89 to Cornwall Service for chains & hardware.
To date there has been $0 received from the DNR on the milfoil monitoring grant.

Craig had several envelopes yet to be deposited in possession.

Motion made and seconded to approve the Treasurer's Report - Approved.

Pam Nelson - substituting for Sam Lindquist - Secretary's Report.

Minutes read, motion made and seconded to approve minutes - Approved.


Steve Eichman:
The buoys have been installed. Mr Baar is looking for a replacement - See Steve to volunteer - Craig Lorence stated he may volunteer. Steve reported the buoy in front of Waldo's from the buoy to the shore is all rock. The association has three ROCK buoys and three NO WAKE buoys in reserve.

The association is working on the launch area. It was suggested that we might find a way to inform visitors that the work on the landing is done on a volunteer basis by the association member. No motion.

Regarding the landing - Steve will attend the July 17th town board meeting requesting their participation in the purchasing of pads to improve the launching of water craft. We are looking for $649.00 to purchase each additional pad. Membership voted and approved $650 expenditure. We are looking for additional funds for an additional pad. Bob Moravitz recommended the pad go lengthwise, not widthwise, and was asked to help grade the area for a temporary fix. Motion was made and seconded to pay Bob a $100 stipend for his work on our behalf = Approved. Echo Lake called to ask Steve if installing pads required a permit from the DNR.

Walt Goethel:
What is the status of the power loading sign? Steve will check with Bruce on the status of the project. John Plaschko stated we need an ordinance to install the power loading sign - Steve will request permission at the July 17th town board meeting.

Marlene Goethel:
Dan Sather was recruited to pass out minutes & a Milfoil Update from door to door by Marlene.
Residents were encouraged to join the association and given information on the new directory that is being compiled.

Motioned was made and seconded to hire Matt Berg, ERS, to complete an Initial 100 Point Survey at a cost of $1000 - as required by the DNR for a Rapid Response Grant. -Approved.

Virginia Flo, Kathy Vogel & Pam Nelson - Nasty Weed Committee:
Virginia gave a Special Report on Hybrid Eurasian Water Milfoil in Horseshoe Lake which included:
  1. A Map of the Lake
  2. Management Options
  3. Grant Information
  4. Required Surveys
  5. Aquatic Plant Management Plan

Hand outs were distributed that included the map, pictures of the plants, and the written report. All information will be posted on our website. Motion was made and seconded to make the map available to members by email but not to post it on the website - discussion followed. The information is available to anyone thru the DNR website and publications - Approved.

Pam Nelson attended the 2007 Northwest Wisconsin Lakes Conference in Cable, WI on June 22nd, 2007- at the suggestion of Dave Blummer, DNR. The agenda included a session - Aquatic Invasive Species Monitoring Procedures. The presenters from the University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point, were excellent and there was considerable interest in the Hybrid plant as to date much is unknown about it. It is being treated with the same protocol as the Eurasian in case it is as invasive. Several lake associations were in attendance - Pam submitted videos and a CD for the association library if anyone is interested in viewing or sharing with others - subjects: identifying invasive species - boat inspection at the landing - general information. Groups with Monitoring Grants were encouraged to be thorough and detailed in the inspection process - it is the spot where we can make a difference.

Craig Lorence stated he received a letter stating that the person felt in this time of milfoil expenditure issues that the picnic in Sept seems an extravagance. The group felt it was a valid comment and will review for next year leaving this years event as planned.

Virginia and Pam prepared a letter for Steve to deliver to our Senators and Legislators on his trip to Madison for other school related topics. The letter was warmly received - we asked for their support of DNR legislation that included amending the formula for grant participation from 50/50 to 25/75 along with many other necessary changes to help associations like HLIA. At the time the Representatives had passed it but it was delayed in the Senate. Steve presented a letter we received from Mary Hubler, State Representative, in support of the change and he also reported he had visited with Robert Jauch who was also in support of the change. Copy of the letter has been given to Mike Foster for the archives and website consideration.

Boat Parade - 4th of July
Parade will begin at 2 PM Old Beach House and will not enter Buchwald Bay due to depth of water and other safety issues.

Annual Labor Day Weekend Picnic will be held Saturday, Sept 1st, 2007 at Turtle Lake Village Park. 11:00 a.m. Business Meeting - Update on Milfoil Issues.
12:00 Noon - LUNCH....for PAID MEMBERS & FAMILY only with LOTS of SOCIALIZING.

Sam will prepare a list and flyer with items for the picnic - CHANGE - Families with last name starting with A-R are asked to bring salads and S-Z to bring desserts. We are asking for everyone's cooperation and help giving as accurate as possible count for the picnic - we want everyone to be able to enjoy a nice lunch! A large container of potato salad has been ordered from Becker's Foods for the event.

Confusion about signing up for the monitoring at the boat landing still exists. Erica Wenzel is the coordinator and may be reached at 763-390-6319 or

Motion & Second to Adjourn at 11:35 a.m. - Approved

Respectfully Submitted.
Pam Nelson, Substitute Secretary

We'd like to have a new directory distributed by this fall. If you haven't submitted a new directory form, please do it now.


Do you e-mail?

We realize not every one does --- and minutes are being sent by US mail to everyone. However, for those with access to the web, e-mailing our minutes saves time and money.

If you are willing to receive your association minutes and news via e-mail, please email HLIA or print, complete and mail this HLIA member update form.

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