Horseshoe Lake Improvement Association

Fall Meeting: August 30, 2014

President Steve Eichman called the meeting to order at 11:05 AM.

The treasurer's report and minutes from last meeting were approved as presented.

Much of the meeting was a slide presentation/report from Dave Blumer, our management expert from LEAPS. (A full copy of this report can be found here.) Our last whole lake survey was done in 2008, including a lake plant survey which was repeated last year. We are due to revise our APM plan in 2015-16. Dave stressed water quality and shoreline improvement in addition to weed management. This year 6.86 acres were chemically treated on June 6. He suggested we hold a "Physical Removal Day" in 2015.

The Beaver Town Board has approved parcel mapping of Beaver Township to begin this winter. The Lake District committee reported on the surveys sent out:
      Of 127 sent, 62% were returned.
      Of those returned, 86% were yes or maybe.
      100% of HLIA members responded yes or maybe.
With these results, the committee plans to draft a petition in the spring. It is very important that lakeshore owners attend the May meeting.

MOTION made and carried that the association join PCAL&R group with a $25 fee.

The meeting was adjourned at 12:10PM.
And we picnicked!

Respectfully submitted,
Sam Lindquist, Secretary

Horseshoe Lake Improvement Association


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