Horseshoe Lake Improvement Association

Fall Meeting: September 1, 2012

President Steve Eichman called the meeting to order at 11:10 AM.

Treasurer Joe Waldo reported $1,730.03 in checking, $6,924.98 in milfoil account, and $7,247.75 in CD. The boat landing box collected $100.24.

The secretary's report was approved after correction: the water clarity reported as 10.5" was actually 10.5 feet. (It is currently 2.5 feet, but will clear in the fall.)

Dave Bloomer explained why our chemical treatment was later than we would have liked. In 2011, the St Croix band, a member of the Ceded Territories along the Minong Flowage, did not want chemical treatment possibly affecting wild rice beds. While the DNR considers their wishes, it does not have to follow them. In 2012 when the issue again rose, all bands passed a resolution that they do not support chemical treatment. This affects any lakes that had supported or could support wild rice…Horseshoe? The issue slowed down processing our application. The impact is the DNR has to plan earlier in 2013.

There is a huge bed of purple loosestrife in Buckwall's Bay. As the bugs have proved effective, Dave suggested we might want to try raising our own bugs. A "bug farm" requires a small pool in a sunny location. Anyone interested? (Following this meeting, the Perelas pulled and cut some of the weeds.)

There is a fluctuation in water quality in our lake. Think about preventing runoff on your shoreline. Laura Nackerud is an expert who will work with you. The easiest, best thing you can do is STOP MOWING TO THE LAKE.

We need to start looking at the watershed itself for water quality and quantity. Dave said there are grants available. Is Apple River water the solution? (Dave thinks its quality is too poor.)

So, what is the plan for the future? A lake management district is one solution that would need to be supported by 51% of landowners. It would spread the cost of management among all stakeholders with fluctuating taxation to meet needs.

Pam Nelson reported on our current funds: Of $82,798 available, we have spent $15,969 with $15,000 projected spending by years end.

All volunteer calendars must be turned in by the end of September.

We have written a letter of support to Moon Lake to form their own association.

Any ideas for the Education Fair we will hold in 2013?

Marlene Goethel and Mike Foster worked hard on our updated directory. Copies were distributed at the picnic. This replaces your old copy, throw that way and use your binder for the new one! (If you have changes or corrections go to website where you'll find a "HLIA member update form" link at the bottom of the home page.)

Jerry Schouten had his pontoon destroyed by someone; let him know if you have any information.

MOTION passed that we donate $25 to the Lion's Club for use of the park building for our picnic.

Thanks to all our hard workers: Marlene and Mike, Pam Nelson, Craig & Laura Nackerud (SNUBA), John Stary (picnic). We had an awesome 4th of July parade!

Meeting adjourned at 12:00 PM…..and we picnicked!

Next meeting is Saturday of Memorial Day weekend 2013, 9:30AM, at Beaver Town Hall.

Respectfully submitted,
Sam Lindquist, Secretary

Special note: If you have paid your 2012 and/or 2012 dues, did not receive a member directory at the September 1 meeting/picnic and you want to obtain your copy before the Memorial Day weekend meeting, send a note to the HLIA PO Box or send an email to


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We realize not every one does. Minutes are being sent by US mail to many members. However, for those with access to the web, e-mailing our minutes to you will save time and money.

If you are willing to receive your association minutes and news via e-mail, please email HLIA or print, complete and mail this HLIA member update form.

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