Horseshoe Lake Improvement Association

General Meeting Minutes
September 2, 2006

President Steve Eichman called the meeting to order at 9:30 AM. The minutes of the last meeting were approved as written. Treasurer Craig Lorence reported a balance of $2206.53 prior to expenditures and revenues at this meeting.

Association dues are now $25/year; $10 of that goes to a "Milfoil account" earning .6% interest.

Kim Moravitz found milfoil on the lake. We contacted Jim Rabal at Barron DNR, and suspicious plants were found in several areas. Samples were sent to Madison for DNA analysis. (There are good, natural milfoils or this could be a hybrid. Dave Bloomer is taking samples on Tuesday. We should have an answer in about 2 weeks. There will be further checking in the spring when water clarity is better. While we are not sure this is Eurasian milfoil, Horseshoe Lake has a unique structure and it shouldn't be able to get a good foothold. Whatever it is, it is sparse now and is manageable. Steve will contact the DNR to see what lake studies and planning grants are available for next summer.

Milfoil can be controlled; we have good water quality and a good mix of native plants. Treatment can be done fairly inexpensively unless we hire a consultant. We can also certify a member as applicator. In some places there is a tendency to take out natural plants. These natives help erosion, fish habitat and prevent takeover by milfoil. When they are removed we are providing space for milfoil.

If it is milfoil -
    - a plant study/lake survey will take place in May or early June
    - treatment can begin
We will want to continue to monitor the landing. Sam will e-mail results and it will be posted on the web site.

Erica gave an update on hours volunteered for the grant. Bill and Mari Koser and Judi Mullin are willing to train new volunteers.

Power loading is moving the pads at the landing. MOTION passed that we ask the township board to pass an ordinance to eliminate power loading at the landing. Bruce Johnson will make a sign for the landing:
     Please respect our launch. Do not power load and create erosion. Merle Johnson reported water clarity of .4; it will clear up mid-October. Merle would like someone to take over the water quality study. Tests need to be done on certain dates. Dave Larson and Gary & Linda Burman volunteered.

MOTION made and carried that we buy two buoys. Craig will get them.

MOTION made and carried that we get Keith Beneke from the DNR for the spring meeting to discuss possible bass size limits to increase the walleye population.

MOTION made and carried that we dispense boating regulations at the spring meeting, and that they be added to the lockbox to give to boaters at the landing.

The first spring meeting is always the Saturday of Memorial weekend. This year it is Saturday, May 26 at 9:30 Am at the Beaver Town hall.

See you there!

   Sam Lindquist


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